August 2013 Newsletter
August 2013 How Client-Focused is Your Firm? “A firm without client service is like stuffing money into a pocket full of holes” – David Tooman, Client Service Expert This quote perfectly illustrates just how important client focus is to the success of most of America’s leading and most productive law firms. According to a recent...
Read more.July 2013 Newsletter
July 2013 Client Service from the Inside Out- Part Two As I continue to think about how our internal processes and procedures impact the external client experience, I realized that often it is best to see examples so that you might better share these with your team. So here are ten internal examples of poor...
Read more.June 2013 Newsletter
June 2013 Client Service from the Inside Out I was talking to a client the other day and we were discussing the implementation of yet another “client satisfaction survey”. This would not have been their first appeal to their clients for feedback regarding their level of service, but their third! And, yet one more opportunity...
Read more.April 2013 LMA Newsletter
April 2013 Just for Today OR for Tomorrow & Beyond? Living a Legacy Once again I am overcome with the thought that time is passing by like a blink of an eye! With this in mind I started thinking about why we all do what we do and how we do it. Take...
Read more.January 2013 Newsletter
Walking the Walk– When the Firm’s Mission & Vision Become a Brand Think quick: What are your firm’s core values? Does your firm even have a mission statement? What is it? Is it displayed prominently on your website or in your firm brochure? Do your partners and associates know what it is? More likely than...
Read more.December 2012 LMA Newsletter
December 2012 Wrapping it Up (And We’re Not Just Talking Presents)! It is amazing to me that another entire year has come and gone and once again I feel like we just started! At the same time, I reflect on all that has happened in the past year and I am totally overwhelmed. A Presidential...
Read more.September 2012 LMA Newsletter
Achieving Excellent Client Service–Will Your Clients Follow You? In this day where solo practitioners are almost a thing of the past and firms are merging daily, the determining factor of whether you retain your clients has been and continues to be your client service. As the saying goes, “People don’t do business with businesses, they...
Read more.August LMA 2012 Newsletter
COFFEE TALK… TALK AMONGST YOURSELVES Remember the Saturday Night Live skit “Coffee Talk” where Mike Myers played “Linda Richman”, a stereotypical middle-aged Jewish woman? She would tell her viewers that she was feeling “verklempt” and to “talk amongst themselves.” I sometimes find myself feeling the same way—overwhelmed with the great task of managing a business...
Read more.July 2012 LMA Newsletter
GET YOUR FIRM CHECK-UP! As we all attempt to survive the heat wave that has accompanied the dog days of summer, it is still vitally important to your law firm’s development that you take some time to review your progress and evaluate what your next steps might need to be. Human nature has us start...
Read more.June 2012 LMA Newsletter
CLIENT CENTRIC FOCUS + TRUTHFUL SELF-KNOWLEDGE = SUPERIOR CLIENT SERVICE Several passages from a favorite book of mine, Bread for the Journey, a daily journal by Henri Nouwen, made me think about the vision and importance of being client-centric and the overall client experience. In order to maximize the client experience, we must first maximize...
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