Remember the Saturday Night Live skit “Coffee Talk” where Mike Myers played “Linda Richman”, a stereotypical middle-aged Jewish woman? She would tell her viewers that she was feeling “verklempt” and to “talk amongst themselves.” I sometimes find myself feeling the same way—overwhelmed with the great task of managing a business and needing to stop and gather my plans before charging ahead. Recently I was feeling this way and a very wise person (they know who they are) advised me to seek out some contemporaries, other small business folks like myself, with whom I might discuss the trials and tribulations of running an agency or maybe even just some other female professionals who were on their own running professional practices. But, the bottom line was to find some people who were sharing like experiences and to talk, share, listen and learn.

A crisis can hit at any time, shaking the confidence of your employees and your clients. Whether it’s the result of an ethical lapse, or something beyond your control, your first job is to rebuild a positive attitude within your organization. Here’s how to regain employees’ trust:
Get the facts out. Your staff wants and needs to know what’s going on. Even if you have only partial information, share what you know and what you don’t know as quickly as possible, before rumors start squeezing out the truth.
Re-recruit your best people. Your competitors won’t wait long before picking off your best employees (and clients). Identify the people you must keep, open the lines of communication, and do what you must to keep their loyalty.
Maintain your focus. Don’t let the crisis distract employees from their jobs, or you from yours. Though you and your staff may have to deal with the immediate crisis, stay organized so the main work continues to get done.
Build some momentum. Aim for a quick success that will keep everyone’s spirits up. This lets everyone see that you and your organization are here to stay.

“Most entrepreneurs are merely technicians with an entrepreneurial seizure. Most entrepreneurs fail because you are working IN your business rather than ON your business.” Michael Gerber, Author of E-Myth and E-Myth for Attorneys
Do you want to learn how to work ON your business, rather than IN it? Then hopefully you’ve already registered for PILMMA’s Fall 2012 Marketing and Management Summit in Las Vegas on September 21st and 22nd. If not – join LMA and other legal marketing experts, 25+ legal industry service firms, and 200 lawyers from around the country and register now for the 2012 PILMMA Summit here!

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