Website Welcome
Have you ever thought about your “buying tendencies”? Are you more likely to buy from someone who greets you at the door of a store and asks if they can help you? You may say “No Thank You, I’m just browsing.” But, you’re more likely to buy from them if they have first offered you...
Read more.Client Service – Showing Your Soft Side
It is no surprise that clients make the majority of their decisions based on emotion vs. any kind of rational “calculation”—and the more emotionally engaged clients will probably recommend a lawyer or firm more often. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to pull at the heart strings through your marketing (although, it can’t hurt), but...
Read more.Is the Client Really Always Right?
Let’s be reasonable: No segment of the population is right 100% of the time. Clients are no exception. Clients are bound to make mistakes. That said, as a partner, you should always give your clients the benefit of the doubt. That’s the true lesson of the age-old adage. Treat your clients with fairness, honesty and...
Read more.6 Great Digital Marketing Ideas for Lawyers
Client based referrals can help any lawyer build a successful practice. But there’s a larger audience out there that doesn’t know any of your existing clients and doesn’t have any idea who you are and wants to find an attorney by searching online. Here are six ways for lawyers to use digital marketing to get...
Read more.A Millennial Mindset for Your Firm
Your firm needs a millennial mindset. Beginning in 2000, the oldest of the millennial generation began graduating college and entering their minimum wage jobs with student loan debt. They started their careers just as the economy went south. So, they grabbed technology by the tail, molded it into new shapes and forever changing algorithms and...
Read more.How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
Small business owners begin with a hefty startup investment just to get off the ground. The last thing you want to think about is more spending. But the old adage that “it takes money to make money” holds some truth, especially for young companies. In order to ensure your success, you’ll need to assess what...
Read more.Tell Your Story : Don’t be Afraid to Connect
What’s Your Story? There’s a story about how Lawyers Marketing Associates, Inc. was born. And, I tell my story all the time. I tell it on my website, in my client kit, in my elevator speech, in my bio, anywhere anyone will let me or listen! Why? Because it helps my potential clients connect with...
Read more.3 Reasons Social Media Isn’t About You!
Are you one of the last holdouts who believes the myth that social media isn’t right for your business? You think your customers aren’t there, or you’re too busy or your industry isn’t a good fit for social media. Well, think again. Using social for your business isn’t about you, it’s about your customers. Your...
Read more.Exceptional Client Service: When the Littlest Things Mean The Very Most!
This is never truer than when we think about being tactful. Often times a little tact goes a long way. Being raised in the South, tact is, or should be our middle names! Sayings like, “bless her heart” are often heard following what can be thought of as critical remarks or constructive criticism. Comedian, Steve...
Read more.Engaged in the Experience or Paycheck Please?
Recently I read an article that discussed what it really means to have “engaged” employees and what that means to your firm. I am sure that your first inclination is that disengaged employees can mean decreased productivity, low morale and low employee satisfaction. Unfortunately, employee engagement goes far deeper and therefore has deeper implications for...
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