What Is Your “Experience”? – Creating a WOW Client Experience
Have You Thought About Your Firm’s “Experience” Lately? Recently I found myself in a very unusual situation. I found myself as the patient and potentially the client in a medical malpractice law suit. So, in order to make a very long story short, suffice it to say, my perspective and my life have been VERY...
Read more.WINDING DOWN & GEARING UP – Strategic Marketing & Law Firm Development
As the end of 2017 is fast approaching, (yes it will be here before you know it, Christmas is just around the corner) we all need to take a long look at our “to do” lists for 2018 and then really start planning for the New Year. For those of you who attended PILMMA in...
Read more.Give Your “Brand” a Boost
You wouldn’t go to a chiropractor for cosmetic surgery, so why would you just a “graphic designer” develop your firm’s brand? First impressions are lasting impressions – they are your brand, who you are and they are an integral part of your firm’s client experience. Make sure your firm communicates who you are with a...
Read more.5 Ways to Give Rock Star Client Service
Even client service has gone high-tech. Thanks to digital tools like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, it’s easier than ever for firms to provide support or address client complaints and contact. In fact, many clients now believe they’re more likely to get timely responses through public platforms rather than the old-fashioned method of airing contacting...
Read more.Which Came First the Chicken or the Egg?
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? How to build sustainable law firms and leave a legacy. This age-old question befuddled philosophers, humanitarians and the great minds of many centuries. Ok, probably not the great minds of many centuries (they’ve been worried about curing polio, small pox and cancer and things like that….). But,...
Read more.How to Move from “Client Service” to “Client Experience”
Have you ever wondered how the “it” firms got that way? How they took it to the next level? Did you always just assume it was because they outspent their competitors on TV, internet marketing, social media and PPC advertising? I hate to tell you, their “secret” is far simpler than that. They got to...
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