We’re All Connected & Toto We’re Definitely NOT in Kansas Anymore!
As we prepare for the Spring and Summer of 2017, I think about Memorial Day and those who gave their lives so that we may live freely, kids getting out of school for yet another summer break and of course another summer of heat and most likely drought (which will most likely affect us all...
Read more.Non-Attorney Representative Exam Has Been Scheduled
NOSSCR NEWS UPDATE: NON-ATTORNEY REPRESENTATIVE EXAM HAS BEEN SCHEDULED The next exam for non-attorneys who want to qualify for direct fee withholding is scheduled for December 14, 2011. *PLEASE NOTE THAT THE REGISTRATION PERIOD WILL EXPIRE ON NOVEMBER 9, 2011.* For more information, go to: http:/www.ssa.gov/representation/nonattyrep.htm and https://secure.cps.ca.gov/ssa/Examination.asp...
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