It’s National Public Health Week!
This week is National Public Health Week in the U.S. Various agencies combine efforts to promote safety and injury prevention. Organizations focused on children’s safety play a big role in these education efforts. Many law firms also dedicate time and effort to educating the public regarding safety issues. These attorneys have seen some of the...
Read more.April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month
As Neil Murray mentioned in his guest blog today, distracted driving is an ongoing concern and has the potential to impact all of us. If you manage a law firm – especially one focused on personal injury – ending distracted driving is one of those issues that you may want to champion by becoming a...
Read more.Distracted Drivers
By Guest Blogger Neil T. Murray, J.D., Sheridan & Murray In 2010, there was a dramatic increase in fatal car accidents on Pennsylvania highways. On February 18, 2011, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced that 1,324 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents on Pennsylvania highways. This represents an increase of 68% from the number...
Read more.The Medical Malpractice & Tort Reform Debate
Thomas Sheridan, founder of Sheridan & Murray, and respected Philadelphia personal injury lawyer discusses the facts about medical mistakes. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine released a seminal study titled “To Err Is Human”. This study concluded that as many as 98,000 people die in American hospitals each year as a result of medical mistakes...
Read more.Massive Recall Announced by Fisher-Price
Fisher-Price recall of 10 million children's products announced....
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