The New Year is a great time to reevaluate your current firm development and marketing goals. Make sure that when developing your marketing plan, you are not only considering your firm’s “direct marketing” goals (television commercials, direct-mail campaigns, ads, etc.), but also your firm’s “soft marketing” goals.
“Soft marketing” is when you make an effort to put your name out in the community without directly “selling” your firm’s services. It can include newspaper articles or press releases about your firm, sponsoring a local event or charity, or giving away free educational materials that demonstrate your firm’s expertise.
Consider these ideas for your “soft marketing” goals this year:
-January is “National Blood Donation” month so, have your law firm give back to the community by hosting a blood drive. Gain goodwill from your community and build morale and camaraderie as your team members work together for a good cause. Contact your local newspaper to let them know about the event or send in a press release. Go here for more information about hosting a blood drive.
-”Adopt” a local charity as a law firm this year and encourage employees to sign up for volunteer days together. Get started at one of the following links:
- The American Red Cross
- Habitat for Humanity
- The Salvation Army
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- For a list of more local volunteer organizations see:
-Offer potential clients free educational materials on legal topics of interest. Your willingness to give away solid content for free will have potential clients coming back to your firm when they are in need of an expert in the law. LMA can help with both writing and publishing your book. For more information, check us out here.