Do you use video to market your firm? Should you? Use of this tool to reach potential consumers is growing exponentially. New technology makes it easy to create and post videos to your website or YouTube. Google now allows you to link YouTube videos to your Google Places (formerly Google Local Business Center) account so the link displays in search results. 

Here are a few tips if you plan to use video to market your business:  

• The video must educate the consumer, not sell your product or service. Consumers will spot a sales pitch a mile away and they’ll stop watching. 
• Gear your video to your target audience. 
• Choose one topic – be interesting and relevant. 
• Watch the details! Wardrobe, setting, and make-up/powder to hide a shine are crucial. 
• If you post your video to a service like YouTube, make sure to use appropriate keywords so viewers will find you. 
Don’t forget to tell everyone you know about the video—post a link on your website, reference in your newsletters or blogs, put it on your Facebook page, etc. Video can be a great tool to market your firm. 


Have you ever considered writing a non-fiction book to use in your efforts marketing your business but thought you just didn’t have time? Consider using a ghostwriter to help you reach your goal. 

Why write a book? Becoming an author gives you immediate credibility—you’ve written a book so you must be an expert! You can then sell your book or give it away to promote your organization. People are hesitant to throw books away, so even if they don’t keep it, they will likely pass it along to a friend or relative to read. 

Here are a few tips to follow should you decide to write a book: 
• The book must provide value – not sell. 
• Determine your intended audience ahead of time and write to their level. 
• Be true to your brand. 
• Add a professional looking cover; consider including your photo and bio information on the back. 
• Add an ISBN and bar code even if you don’t plan to sell the book; it adds credibility and if you change your mind about selling the book, it will be there. 

Your book can actually do “double-duty” – use excerpts to populate your newsletter or blog! So get out your pen (do people actually write using pen and paper anymore?) and get started!



As I was just sitting here reflecting on summers gone by, I can’t help but remember my many summers away at camp. I am sure that it was wonderful for my mom to have 2 weeks off, not having to chauffer me around to various swim meets, friends houses and the pool. I’m sure she loved only having my “always behaving and super sweet” little sister at home. But I also know it was the perfect time for me to regroup and refocus on what was important. Of course, at the time I didn’t realize that, I just thought I was getting to go off to camp, to spend time with friends and to enjoy nature, but now I know that is exactly what I was doing and even more importantly, it was what I needed.

Now some 30 years later, I have come to realize that summer is the best time to do just that. We as adults need to spend time each year, regrouping and refocusing on what is truly important. We may not be able to afford 2 weeks off at “camp”, but even a day or two can be used to our advantage. As the temperature heats up, take some time to slow things down. Read a book that you have had on your list for a while. Do a project that you have put off for months. Share a slice of watermelon with a friend or family member. Spend time growing something. It can truly give you a sense of accomplishment and of being a part of something bigger than ourselves.

This summer is especially important for me to take this time. One reason is because, I have spent my past several summers getting through and recovering from cancer treatments. Another (and most important) reason – I am beginning to plan for a wedding! So, I am not only enjoying the sun, sea, gardening, vacationing, friends and family, I am spending time thinking about becoming a part of a new family, building a life with my future husband and to being thankful for the many blessings I have been given.

As we all reflect on the difficulties of the past several summers, we should take time to stop and think about all of the many blessings we have been given. We all have been given opportunities to make an impact on the world around us. Take some time this summer to do just that. I promise it will be time well spent! Even better than 2 weeks at camp! 


Lauren Black, former attorney and President of Lawyers Marketing Agency (LMA),will be speaking at the Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association (PILMMA) 2010 Fall Summit on October 28-29 in Las Vegas. Black will discuss the key fundamentals and foundations that law firms should keep in mind while building a strategic marketing plan. For more information about the event, visit