With PILMMA just around the corner, there is no time like the present to set your GPS for the “yellow brick road” to New Orleans. It will definitely get you and your law firm heading in the right direction with regards to firm development and marketing. Too often we take for granted our firm development destination and only know that we are “off to see the Wizard.” We don’t necessarily know who that wizard truly is, and we aren’t always willing to ask. Never be afraid to ask, you will be surprised at how many other lawyers are wondering the exact same thing!
Don’t take for granted that you know what direction you and your law firm should be headed even if you have been in business for 20 or more years. Often we find that what is most important in firm development is not the answers, but the questions. Lawyers Marketing Associates (LMA) asks you to take a long look in the mirror and ask the hard questions of yourself and those in your firm so that you find the best course to take that will help grow and develop your firm.
So take this opportunity to come to PILMMA and truly determine which direction is the best direction for your firm. Set your GPS so that you and your firm can develop and grow to its fullest potential. Come see us while you are in New Orleans. We’ll be the ones at the end of the yellow brick road, helping you set your course. Lauren, Jeanne and Jeff will be ready to talk to you about where you and your firm have been, and what LMA can do to help head you in the best direction for success. Whether your brand needs tweaking, your TV campaign needs revitalizing, your website needs optimizing or you simply need a new perspective on your overall firm, we are here to help from the inside out. We have the tools from brand analysis and surveys, to integrated strategic and marketing plans. We will work with you and your team to help implement all of the tools that you need to help take your firm in the right direction and develop your firm to its fullest potential.
Contact us today to start heading in the right direction!