As we all attempt to survive the heat wave that has accompanied the dog days of summer, it is still vitally important to your law firm’s development that you take some time to review your progress and evaluate what your next steps might need to be. Human nature has us start the year with gusto and all sorts of promises of new plans of marketing campaigns and renewed management involvement only to find ourselves back in the same ruts just about this time. So, break the cycle–Do a mid-year check up!
Make a list of all of the projects you intended to start in January or February and really investigate where you and your team stand in regards to their implementation. I realize how hard it may be to even come up with that list so I’ll get you started:
- Website updates or redesign. Do you want to add video?
- Implement new case management software. Check each practice area’s internal processes and procedures.
- Implement new bonus/pay structure for staff and attorneys based upon performance, case settlements and fees collected.
- Ghostwrite a book.
- Start a newsletter campaign.
- Start an e-newsletter campaign.
- Start a professional referral campaign.
- Start a direct mail campaign.
- Develop, train and implement a client experience or service standard for your firm.
- Develop a succession plan for you and your firm.
Now – how do you and your firm measure up? You must be honest with yourself. It would probably be best if you allowed your staff and executive team members to give you their feedback so that you get a true assessment of where you are. Then, determine how to adjust your current actions so that you can get back on track. Now is a far better time to do that then at the end of the year when it is too late! We all get too busy working in our practice to work on it. This is why its important to hire a firm development company to assist you and hold you accountable on a monthly basis helps you stay on course. There are steps you can take on your own, too. Make sure to set your calendar for at least 6-month or quarterly check-ups and check-in on yourself and your progress and you’ll be surprised what a difference it makes in your success!